CEO of Tiankii Pay & Norttech Labs was a speaker at the @RevistaDyN event

Tiankii Pay
19/07/2021 09:46 PM Comentario(s)

The Software Engineer Accelerator program seeks to train the most outstanding software engineers in the northern and rural areas of El Salvador.

An event that aimed to improve the implementation of Bitcoin in El Salvador so that those present would have the necessary tools and information to prepare for the changes that this digital currency will bring, which will begin to have legal tender in the country as of September 2021. .

Our CEO, Darvin Otero, had a participation as a speaker where he shared some of the internal aspects and technical fundamentals that make up the digital currency, bitcoin

He carried out an exercise where he invited the public present to install an e-wallet on their smartphones. Those who did received a transfer from Satoshi. This in order that they can understand the use of the operations carried out with bitcoin.
Through his Twitter account, Darvin Otero (@aveotero) expressed:

“Excellent event organized by @RevistaDyN last Friday about #Bitcoin in El Salvador. Very happy to support and see Top Business Executives in #ElSalvador already interested in adapting their financial processes to the #Bitcoin Law via @norttechlabs”.

It should be noted that during the development of the event other exhibitors also participated, such as Héctor Torres, partner of the Torres Legal firm; Carlos Miguel Rivas, in charge of Business Development at Athena Bitcoin in El Salvador; and Eduardo Amaya, main partner of Auditaxes and partner of the Corporate Tax and Audit area.

Darvin Otero

About Darvin Otero

Darvin Otero is a serial tech entrepreneur and computer systems engineer with a master's degree in business administration. For more than 20 years he was in charge of being a consultant in the software industry in different Latin American countries and in the United States

His solid experience has helped him carry out important projects. In 2019 he founded Nortetech Labs, a company located in El Salvador made up of computer engineers, industrial engineers and experienced consultants in computer solutions and business management.

Tiankii Pay